
Sunday, August 23, 2020

Strawberry Pudding Shots

A simple and quick dessert recipe that tastes a bit like cheesecake and a bit like an icebox cake. You can switch it up and use chocolate rolls with coffee and nuts or any other fruit like mango, cherry etc.

Recipe - Serves 4


6 squares Kiri Cheese or 100 Grams Philadelphia cream cheese (at room temperature)
6 small packs or 1 large roll of Americana Swiss Rolls Vanilla Flavour (any other brand will also do)
1 Sachet Creme Caramel Powder
1/4 Cup Thick Cream (e.g. Nestle or Puck)
1 Cup Chopped Strawberries
Additional Strawberry slices for garnish


1. Put the cream cheese in a big bowl and beat till fluffy (about one minute). Add the creme caramel and cream and mix well. 
2. Mix in 1 cup chopped strawberries and beat till the strawberries are blended but not pureed. 
3. Slice the Swiss rolls in smaller pieces. Take four small cups or one 6x6 glass Pyrex. Place half the sliced cake pieces at the bottom and top with half of the pudding mixture. Repeat with the cake and pudding. Garnish with sliced strawberries. 
4. Chill in the fridge for an hour before serving. 

Happy Eating!!

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